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Java 3d Download Mac Free
Sweet Home 3D application may run on Windows, Mac OS X 10.4 to macOS 11, Linux and Solaris. Depending on whether Java is installed on you system or not, you may launch Sweet Home 3D with Java Web Start or its installer. Download Sweet Home 3D installer. Update #3 (July 28, 2016): This post has been completely updated with 7 new, additional game engines, updated links and information that was outdated. Update #2 (April 27, 2015): This post was been updated with one new additional game engine, updated links and information that was outdated. Download Java 3D - A Java-based API that can generate, render and control 3D objects, allowing programmers and developers to use it in their projects. Download Sweet Home 3D for free. An interior design application to draw house plans & arrange furniture. Sweet Home 3D is an interior design application that helps you to quickly draw the floor plan of your house, arrange furniture on it, and visit the results in 3D.
3D-XplorMath-J, Version 1.0 is a program for visualizing and experimenting witha variety of mathematical objects or 'exhibits.' It is written in the Javaprogramming language; to use it, you must have Java 5.0 or higher installedon your computer. It is a complete revision of an older program, 3D-XplorMath (whichruns only on Macintosh computers). While it still lacks some of the featuresand exhibits of the original program, 3D-XplorMath-J, Version 1.0 is ready for serioususe and has unique features of its own. Several languages are supported in 3D-XplorMath-J. Note, however, thatthe translation is incomplete for some languages, and parts of the program and documentationmight be in English. 3D-XplorMath, 3D-XplorMath-J, and this web site are projects of the3DXM Consortium, an international volunteer groupof mathematicians, and are supported in part byThe National Science Foundation(DUE Award #0514781). |
3D-XplorMath-J is available in versions for Windows and for Mac OS, as wellas in a 'jar' file that works on any platform. Note that all versions requireJava 5.0 or higher. On a computer that is set up to use one of the supported languages,the program should automatically run in that language.Use these links to download the program:

Download 3D-XplorMath-J.exe (for Windows)
Download 3D-XplorMath-J.dmg (for Mac OS)
Download 3D-XplorMath-J.jar (for any platform)
Note about using the 'jar' file: On most computers,this version of the program can be run just by double-clicking it. It can also berun on the command line with the command java -jar 3D-XplorMath-J.jar.In fact, 3D-XplorMath-J works best if it has access to more memory than is usually given toJava applications, so it's best to run the jar file on the command line witha command that asks for extra memory, such as java -jar -Xmx256m 3D-XplorMath-J.jar.(The Windows and Mac OS versions automatically request extra memory.)
And be sure to go here:
to download Ulrich Pinkall's marvelous '3D-XplorMath-J meets jReality'. This is an amazing and delightful marriage of 3D-XplorMath with jReality that allows you to create an object in 3D-XplorMath-J and then, with a click of your mouse, to import it into jReality and play with it there. For more information about jReality look here.
On-line Applets

The individual exhibits of 3D-XplorMath-J can be used on-linein the form of 'Java applets.' To browse the applets, visit
3D-XplorMath-J Applets
To use the applets, you must use a Web browser in which Java 5.0 is enabled.
Java 3d Download Mac Download
For Developers
Java 3d Free Download
3D-XplorMath-J is a free and open-source program.The source code is released under a BSD license.The source code and Java API documentation can be found at the following links.(Developer information is available in English only.)